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Diversity is a Discipline

We believe that diversity is a discipline.  We teach that discipline through a range of Keynotes and Workshops that can be tailored to meet your specific time and group needs.  


This discipline of diversity is the examination of how we emerge, diverge and evolve culturally.  As our classrooms, neighborhoods and workplaces become more diverse, most of us are unprepared to digest this changing landscape.  Actually, it’s not always that easy.  It requires a specific skill sets.  We use high-energy, fun and fact-filled workshops to teach this skill set. 

Participants gain greater awareness of emerging cultural and demographic trends.  They learn how to talk about and understand each other's differences, and more importantly, how to understand and talk about their own multiple identities.  And they acquire the tools to engage in open and honest dialogue.  Our goal is to turn our differences into a plus factor.  Often, a different life experience inspires a different approach to solving problems.  By appreciating and understanding our differences, we increase our abilities to overcome challenges, and to build more just systems in a better world.  



Keynote Presentation (30-60 Minutes)

The overarching theme of our keynotes is to give attendees a new perspective on a changing world.  We illustrate that the core of diversity is you.  You are a complex and ever-changing set of cultures, or as we say, “micro-literacies.”  Once you are better able to grasp your own complex cultural nature, the easier it will be to see others thought that same lens.

With this as our foundation, we can target our lectures to any number of more specific topics:


  • Social Justice

  • Civil Rights

  • History

  • Environment

  • Intersectionality

  • Micro-literacies


These concepts come together in an entertaining and engaging presentation in which participants learn how to turn perceived obstacles into opportunities to collaborate and succeed.


Cultural Sensitivity Training: (90-120 minutes)

This is a fun and engaging training platform that illuminates the nature of our changing classrooms and workplaces.  We will dig into concepts such as Intersectionality and Micro-literacies, Religious Literacy and The Browning and Graying of America.  This is done through high energy, on your feet games and exercises.  These exercises provide participants with strategies on how to communicate across cultural divides.  Participants acquire the toolkit to be culturally sensitive.  

PARTICIPANTS: Limited to 35

Empowerment Workshop: (3 hours)


This intensive empowerment workshop goes much deeper into the concepts laid out in the shorter sessions.  We also examine how our history and national narratives work to keep us from collective potential.

Trainer and Presenter Ron Jones

In addition to games and activities, we use video, large and small group discussion, prizes and role playing to explore concepts of cultural bias and systemic privilege.  You will learn about the members of your community as well as the basic principles of being culturally sensitive.  This session is designed to give participants specific strategies that they can take with them to train others. 

PARTICIPANTS: Limited to 35



They provide knowledge

When we gain “true” knowledge of an individual, we are far less likely to stereotype or pigeon hole them.  By utilizing this multi-layered approach to multicultural understanding and respect for the individual, we can build a healthier posture of discourse and cooperation.

They teach us about behavior

We give participants a glimpse of our own behavioral patterns and how these patterns can stand in direct conflict to our business, social, religious and personal interests.

You will have fun!

Contrary to popular belief, you can have a good time dealing with difficult issues.  The workshops' most unique quality is the on-your-feet activities.  Most diversity programs are content to talk to you about facts, figures and workplace dynamics.  This is all well and good, but for most people true learning is an active process that happens not just in your head.

In addition to sharing facts and figures, we use engaging exercises, fun role-plays and team-oriented games which encourage attendees to stretch out of their comfort zone.  This usually leads to discussions and insights that would be impossible to reach otherwise.  The result is to introduce your team to a new paradigm of collaboration.  Your team will emerge confident that they have the multicultural and intercultural skills and insights to succeed.

Lilah Marie Flores

First Year Programs Coordinator, Juanita College, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania

“College students are a difficult group to reach with sensitive topics and I believe they did a fantastic job in conveying the importance of acceptance and inclusion."

Adam Long

Director of Student Life, Iowa Western Community College, Iowa

“You made a huge impact on our campus when you were here. Thanks again for all that you do.”

Dr. Allen Eason Ph.D

Kansas State University

“I was constantly impressed by your dedication and authenticity. We sincerely appreciate your tireless work in giving classroom, presentations, and workshops.”

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What Our Workshops Are NOT About!

Our workshops are not about acceptance

We do not expect that at the end of the day you will throw your arms open and give everybody a big accepting hug (that would be nice though).

Our workshops are not about tolerance

We do not know a single person who would be happy if everyone just “tolerated” them.

Our workshops are not about blame

Contrary to the belief of some, our workshops are not about assigning blame.  It is about addressing behaviors which we all sometimes engage in.  History gives us abundant examples of how we all carry the potential to be cruel and selfish toward one another.  This is usually a facility of fear or power, or both.  Understanding this fact is the first step toward change.




Public / Private Corporations
American Bar Association
National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)
National Conference on Race and Ethnicity
in American Higher Education (NCORE)
New Law Center
Old National Bank
Toyota of America
The Trauma Center of Boston
Vectren Corporation

Public/Private Academic Institutions
Boston College AHANNA Student Programs
Central Catholic High School, Toledo, Oh.
Dakota State University
Endicott College Graduate School of Education
Endicott College Peer Leaders Program
Emerson College Graduate School of Education
Ferrum College
Fitchburg State University Graduate School of Education
Harvard Business School
Lewis University
Longmeadow High School
Longwood University
The Jewish Federation of Omaha
Kansas State University
Maine Maritime Academy
Minnesota Student Leadership Conference
Mt. Ararat High School (civil right team)
The National Association for Campus Activities
Northampton High School (faculty)
South Dakota State University
University of Colorado – Ft Collins
University of Evansville
Wisconsin Private College Initiative for Diversity

Community / Public Organizations
Boys and Girls Club of South Boston
City of Evansville’s Celebration of
Diversity Distinguished Lecture Series
Evansville Police Department
Indiana State Police
Massachusetts Attorney General
Myrtle Street United Methodist Church, Scranton Pa.

Toyota of America
Evansville and Indiana State Law Enforcement



Willie “CJ” Harmon

Program Advisor/ South Dakota State University

“Students were energized, motivated and better equipped to wrestle with diversity issues.”

Carol Taylor

Social Justice Educator/ University of Kentucky

“Your workshop was great!!!”

Adam Long

“You made a huge impact on our campus when you were here. Thanks again for all that you do.”

Brooke Wegner

Alverno College

“The presenters tackled serious issues in a non-threatening, thought provoking manner that entertained and educated audience members at the same time.”

Beth Singer

Principal Northampton High School

“They met with much of our faculty to address our concerns. They had a very productive conversation with our teachers and put many of their concerns to rest. They supported them by providing them a guideline for engaging students before and after the assembly.”

Chad Kee

The Catholic University of America

“It is apparent that Mr. Jones is very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject matter and seeks to challenge the audience to expand his/her mentality to include a broader perspective that acknowledges differences, seeks to understand why we are who we are, and how to create welcoming spaces for everyone despite race, ethnicity, and gender.”

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